Abstract submission

How to participate as a presenter  

Individuals can submit Abstracts as a presenting author for an Individual Paper as well as participate as a presenting author as part of a Symposium. For these two categories, the total number of Abstracts that can be submitted is limited to two. However, there is no limit on the number or Poster Abstracts submitted. All Abstracts can be submitted from Oct 15th ,2024 until 2024 Dec 15th. 

Peer reviewed decisions for all submitted abstracts will be made by the Scientific Program Committee will be communicated to you no later than March 15th, 2025. 

The language for all submissions as well as presentations at the conference sessions is English. 

Abstracts can be submitted by presenting authors for Individual Papers (15-minute presentations) and Posters. Please note that if there is insufficient room for a submitted Individual Paper, that Paper may be accepted as a Poster. Please limit Abstracts to 150 words.

All Abstracts can be submitted from Oct 15th ,2024 until 2024 Dec 15th.

Poster presentation  

Poster title should be identical to the title of the accepted abstract.
Poster format is ( A0 (841x 1189 mm).

Abstract Submission for Individual Posters: CLOSED
Abstract Submission for Individual Paper: CLOSED


Presenting authors may also submit a proposal as part of a Symposium. At least 2 but no more than 4 papers can be part of a Symposium. Student participation is highly encouraged. Each proposal for a Symposium must consist of an overall Abstract (250 words or less) as well as Title and Author information including the presenting authors for each of the participating papers. Each Symposium will consist of a group of papers on a common topic or theme and is scheduled for 1 hr and 15 minutes. The symposium organizer can be a presenting author or a non-presenter.

Peer reviewed decisions for all submitted abstracts will be made by the Scientific Program Committee will be communicated to you no later than March 15th, 2025. 

Abstract Submission for Symposium: CLOSED


Caregiver-Child Interaction
Cerebral Palsy
Children’s Rights
Communication Disorders
Cultural Issues
Curriculum Innovations
Developmental Processes
Developmental Screening
Down Syndrome
Evaluation and Accountability
Evidence-Based Practice
Early Neurodevelopment
Family Support and Partnerships
Family capacity building
Fragile X Syndrome
High Risk Children
Home Visiting

Institutional Care and Deinstitutionalization
Language & Communication
Mental Health
Multiple Disabilities
Music Therapy
Peer Relations
Preservice Personnel Preparation
Preterm Children
Policy Development
Professional Development
Sensory and Motor Impairments
Service Coordination
Service Delivery Models
Social Emotional Development
Mentoring and Supervision
Systems and Policy
Trauma, Abuse, and Neglect
Team Process